
Aris Medical Solutions Blogs

Keeping you informed and prepared

How much does a data breach really cost?

We really don’t want to scare organizations, but this is a real problem and we feel this must be disclosed. A data breach costs an organization on many different levels. The cost of notification, credit monitoring, remediation, then comes fines...
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What does being HIPAA Compliant actually mean anyway?

  We are always talking about HIPAA compliance because that is what we do! Sadly many practices think just having a patient sign they received your Notice of Privacy Practices is all that is needed. There is so much more...
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Heavy fines demonstrate the importance of a network security audit…

  When we discuss IT security, we generally think of a company that maintains our computer network. That is partially true, but that is just the beginning. There is a difference between maintaining your network and securing it. There are...
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Is your employee handbook up-to-date?

It is important for all businesses to review what they have in their employee handbook. If you do not have one, it is imperative that you create one immediately. Employees have rights under certain laws. You could have misinformation that...
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Cyber Liability Insurance – is it really necessary?

  In the news nearly daily there is talk about a data breach, a hacking incident, or a cyber crime. Most practices do not think about this until it happens to them, unfortunately it could be devastating. Most experts now...
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Malicious code, websites, and data breaches

When we conduct HIPAA training most employees are discouraged when we tell them not to surf the web on work computers. There is a very good reason for this… malicious code can be found on websites that have not been...
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2019 HIPAA Updates

As we start this new year we must reflect what we have learned from 2018 in order to make 2019 a success. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has gained momentum in enforcing HIPAA violations. With that said HIPAA is...
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Data breaches of 2018

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Cost of cyber attacks on healthcare are steadily rising

Why are so many medical offices being attacked? Simple, this is a one stop shop for everything needed for identity theft and many medical practices do not have appropriate safeguards in place. Business associates have even been the target or...
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