By Aris Medical Solutions
Home security cameras and baby monitors are making the news again about being hacked. This is nothing new, we have been telling people for years to change the default passwords on ALL your technology devices. Anyone can Google your device or IP address and they can get your default password. HIPAA requires that you have reasonable and appropriate safeguards in place to protect patient data. This includes updating and changing technology as needed.
For example all I had to type in Google was “Default password for Netgear”, and this is what I found:
For most NETGEAR devices (except ReadyNAS/ReadyDATA products and Fully Managed Switches), the default username and password are: Username (all models) = admin. Password (current models) = password. Password (very old models) = 1234. Aug 9, 2015
If you use any security cameras, Google “IP Camera Default Usernames Password and IP Addresses”. I found a website that lists ALL CAMERAS!
I highly recommend that you walk around your home and office and make a list of all your technology devices and Google them. If you can find a default password on the internet; so can everyone else. If you do not know how to change the password, we suggest hiring someone to do this for you. Otherwise you could simply remove the password all together!
For more information on how Aris Medical Solutions can help your organization with HIPAA Compliance and Protecting Patient Data call 877.659.2467 or click here to contact us.
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