Preventing a Data Breach

Preventing a data breach can feel like a daunting task. However, a well-educated staff is your first line of defense. Although nothing is failsafe, there are many things you can do within your practice to prevent a data breach. We covered this last year, but I thought it might be time for a reminder with the latest breach from Change Healthcare.

Hacking/IT incidents remain the largest category comprising of 77% of the reported breaches. Network servers continued as the largest category by location for breaches involving 500 or more individuals at 58% of reported large breaches.

If you would like to review the list of breaches, click here:

Many of these start from an unsuspecting employee that clicks on link or shares information before it has been verified. Most attacks begin from a phishing email, text, or a visit to a website. Once this occurs, then many times you are infected with a virus, malware, or ransomware. When this happens, your systems may be frozen, and a DOS (denial of service) begins. Let’s review how to prevent a data breach:


What does a fake email may look like? First, they are going to look “real” until you take a closer look. Pay attention to the “from” email address. This is the most common place to start. Most email addresses will have a name you are familiar with, but the URL will be different. For example: So, look for anything that is “slightly” different. Then, if they want to click on a link, hover over the link to see if it is really for what they are proposing. I received an email from my “bank” asking me to “Finish the Do-To-List”. I knew I hadn’t started any such list and I hovered over the link. It was to a completely different website. I reviewed the message details and looked up the IP address, it was from Spain. My bank is not in Spain! If you would like to learn more about reading your message details, reply to this email.

Text Messages:

Text messages are somewhat the same. Look at the top of the message and review who it is from. Most of these will either be from a phone number or an email address that is not from the actual company. NEVER click on any link or call the number in the message. If you receive a message about a purchase and it states you must click to decline, DON’T! Call your bank or credit card company to verify. You must be very diligent with these messages; they try to spoof your bank or card company’s email address by adding something like this:


Websites can be infected with malware, a virus, or redirect the information you enter. Again, it is very important to look at the URL closely before entering any credentials. When visiting unknown sites, you take the risk of being infected. This is difficult to comprehend since we all like to “surf” the web. Many recipe sites have been known to have malware since people do not maintain security on older sites. If you are going to surf, you MUST have very good anti-virus / anti malware software. I am currently using Bitdefender Total Security. When I try to go to a website and the credentials of the site do not match, my software will NOT let me go to the site unless I enter my password for my software. Your IT vendor may utilize something like this. Websites that have not been maintained or have been hacked can present all kinds of problems. Preventing a data breach means that staff members should NOT use their work computers for surfing!


Another type of threat is when information is intercepted without a person knowledge, this is commonly referred to as the “man in the middle”. When a person uses a public wi-fi system, a nefarious character can spoof a legitimate connection and steal information. Depending on the type of activity, a virus or malware could be placed on the device and brought back into the office. This could in turn infect your network.

Zero-day attacks:

Then, there are zero-day exploits that happen when hackers uncover a vulnerability in a system and attack. These are usually widespread and can be all over the world. Developers must work fast to create a patch to correct this deficiency. In the meantime, your systems could be down or destroyed. This is why it is critical to maintain a backup that is not connected to your network.

Ransomware attacks are a real problem and not just for healthcare but for everyone. It has gone up 70% in just one year. Think about losing everything on your business network or your home computer. It happens, so all these recommendations are for your personal use as well.

The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) released their breach report to Congress, below are a few highlights.

The “OCR’s Reports to Congress provide useful information for everyone on trends in HIPAA complaints and breach reporting,” said OCR Director Melanie Fontes Rainer. “Our health care systems should take note of these trends and address potential HIPAA compliance issues before they experience a breach or receive notice of an OCR investigation. My staff and I stand ready to continue to work with Congress and the health care industry to drive compliance and protect against security threats.”

The HHS 2022 Report to Congress on HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rule Compliance identifies the number of complaints received. Some highlights include:

  • OCR received 30,435 new complaints alleging violations of the HIPAA Rules
  • OCR resolved 32,250 complaints alleging violations of the HIPAA Rules
  • OCR resolved 17 complaint investigations with Resolution Agreements and Corrective Action Plans (RA/CAPs) and monetary settlements totaling $802,500, and one complaint investigation with a civil money penalty in the amount of $100,000
  • OCR completed 846 compliance reviews and required subject entities to take corrective action or pay a civil money penalty in 80% (674) of these investigations. Three compliance reviews were resolved with RA/CAPs and monetary payments totaling $2,425,640.

Feel free to share this blog with your colleagues. We want to educate as many practices as we can since data breaches can be expensive. If you need assistance with HIPAA Compliance, check out our HIPAA Keeper. It’s an online compliance system that has everything you need to get compliant and stay compliant! Best of all you will have a HIPAA security analyst to guide you every step of the way!

For more information or to speak to someone about HIPAA Compliance call us at 877.659-2467 or use the contact us form.

“Simplifying HIPAA through Automation, Education, and Support”

Patient Data is a Hot Commodity


By Aris Medical Solutions


Health care organizations are now a primary target since they are the custodians of patient data and a plethora of information. The reason patient information is sought after so much is because it can be sold on the black market for a decent price. Social Security Numbers also have a longer shelf life unlike credit card numbers. Therefore it is imperative that any company or person that is involved with healthcare data do what they can to protect their computers and/or network.

Criminals are diligent in trying to gain access to these valuable databases. They can get into your network through social engineering, malware, and mobile devices to name a few. Sadly, most attacks go undetected for months, sometimes even a year unless it is ransomware when you are “notified” immediately!

Under the Security Rule, all entities that work with Protected Health Information are required to conduct a Risk Analysis to uncover any potential vulnerabilities. Then they must create a Risk Management plan to correct those deficiencies. Although most of the “technical” standards are addressable and not required, this does not mean optional. All covered entities and business associates must have reasonable and appropriate safeguards in place to protect their data. Aside from your normal IT services, we believe it will only be a matter of time before network security audits will become mandatory. Keep in mind your Policies and Procedures are still the backbone of HIPAA Compliance.

So what can you do to protect your data and your organization?

  1. Conduct a security risk analysis
  2. Mitigate the vulnerabilities that are discovered
  3. Request a third party network security audit
  4. Request documentation that your business associates are HIPAA Compliant
  5. Continual EDUCATION!

These are just some of the basics that you should implement. For more information on how Aris Medical Solutions can help your organization with HIPAA Compliance and Protecting your Data call 877.659.2467 or click here to contact us.

“Protecting Organizations through Partnership, Education, and Support”

Default passwords- why you need to change them!


By Aris Medical Solutions


Home security cameras and baby monitors are making the news again about being hacked. This is nothing new, we have been telling people for years to change the default passwords on ALL your technology devices. Anyone can Google your device or IP address and they can get your default password. HIPAA requires that you have reasonable and appropriate safeguards in place to protect patient data. This includes updating and changing technology as needed.

For example all I had to type in Google was “Default password for Netgear”, and this is what I found:

For most NETGEAR devices (except ReadyNAS/ReadyDATA products and Fully Managed Switches), the default username and password are: Username (all models) = admin. Password (current models) = password. Password (very old models) = 1234. Aug 9, 2015

If you use any security cameras, Google “IP Camera Default Usernames Password and IP Addresses”. I found a website that lists ALL CAMERAS!

I highly recommend that you walk around your home and office and make a list of all your technology devices and Google them. If you can find a default password on the internet; so can everyone else. If you do not know how to change the password, we suggest hiring someone to do this for you. Otherwise you could simply remove the password all together!

For more information on how Aris Medical Solutions can help your organization with HIPAA Compliance and Protecting Patient Data call 877.659.2467 or click here to contact us.

“Protecting Organizations through Partnership, Education, and Support”

Storing Patient Records


By Aris Medical Solutions


Since most medical practices are going electronic, it may be time to free up some of that precious space in your office. Make sure when, how, and where you decided to store your data is secure.

Some practices move excess patient charts to a self storage unit. It’s cheap and if you have an patient chart inventory list you should be safe… right?
What happens if the facility burns down?
What if someone breaks in and it is not discovered for months?
What if you don’t have an inventory list of which records are in there?

  • Did you know that PHI is considered PHI until after a person has been deceased for 50 years! That means even if the person isn’t alive, it is still a reportable breach!
  • Did you know that if you can’t determine if ANY records or WHICH records were stolen, you would have to report all of them.

Self storage units may sound like a good deal. That good deal could cost you more in the end. If the unit burns or if it is vandalized, you could be charged for wilful neglect for NOT securing the records. Not to mention, you may be required to report this as a data breach and cost you nearly $350.00 per record! Are you willing to accept that risk? After all, the OCR doesn’t specifically state what is or is not HIPAA compliant. If you suffer a data breach, THEN they will determine if you had reasonable and appropriate safeguards in place.

Now I will ask you.. Wouldn’t it make sense to spend about the same amount of money and have a professional company store your records? That’s right; for about $50.00 per month you can store approximately 100 boxes of records! Of course pricing will depends on your location and how many you need to store. When organizing the records, we suggest by year and alphabetize them. This makes it much easier when the time comes to destroy them!

If you need assistance with a Risk Analysis, Risk Management Plan, or implementing a full set of HIPAA Policies and Procedures, call Aris at 877.659.2467 or click here to schedule a demo. We offer a full range of services from a Do-It-Yourself HIPAA program to a Full HIPAA Implementation package.

“Protecting Organizations through Partnership, Education, and Support”

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