Websites – is your data secure?


By Aris Medical Solutions


Many healthcare providers have websites, since in today’s digital age nearly everyone searches for goods and services before making a decision, this includes healthcare. However, healthcare providers must ensure their websites are HIPAA compliant if any patient data is transferred or accepted.

Many vendors are targeting healthcare with promises of ease of use, added patient interactions, and the ability to gain more patients. Before you agree to accept patient information through your website, you must ensure the vendor or service you are going to use actually understands HIPAA and the requirements.

Here are some issues to consider:

  1. Do patients complete forms on your website? If yes, your website must be secure by utilizing encryption during transmission. This also includes if you are using appointment scheduling through your website. If your site starts with “https” then the data is securely transmitted. However, your site may require updates to ensure the encryption is up to date. If you have a “contact us” and they can send an email to you and your site is not encrypted you should post a message advising them not to send any personal information.
  2. Who has access to your website? If you work with a third party, they too must be HIPAA compliant and understand how to protect your website. If possible add a two-step authentication to prevent unauthorized access. Make sure you have administrative access to your site as well.
  3. Do you know how and where your data is stored? You must utilize a company that understands HIPAA and security if your website accepts or stores any patient data. If your site is not set up properly, Google can actually index your intake forms. If your web hosting company shares your web server with other clients, this too must be reviewed. Keep in mind, if your data (including your backups) is encrypted, it would not be a reportable breach but you still must have a HIPAA compliant business associate agreement in place.
  4. Do you have a recent backup of your website? This may sound crazy because it’s “in the cloud”. Keep in mind, a cloud is just a term used to explain it is NOT on your physical location. It is located on a server somewhere on someone’s physical site.
  5. Do you know how to properly destroy old data? Whether the data is stored on a web server, an old external hard drive, or computer, all data must be removed in a HIPAA compliant manner. This could be a physical destruction or sanitized so that the data cannot retrieved. Don’t forget to document this process!


Websites are a necessity today. If you decide to add features like online forms and/or patient scheduling, only do so if properly setup and secured.

For more information on how Aris Medical Solutions can help your organization with HIPAA Compliance and Protecting your Practice call 877.659.2467 or click here to contact us.

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