What are the Consequences of Non-Compliance?

Common HIPAA Violations


Notice of Privacy Practices does not contain all the required disclosures and has not been updated to meet the HITECH Act requirements.


Practice does not follow the uses and disclosures as listed in their Notice of Privacy Practices.


Lack of documented training of ALL employees, including physicians.


Lack of an enforced tiered Sanctions Policy.


“Minimum Necessary” standards was not utilized when authorizing access to ePHI.


All staff members are not assigned a unique identifier for system access.


Practice does not have in place policies and procedures to ensure an accurate and complete Accounting of Disclosures.


Documented Confidential Communications process was not in in place.


The organization does not have a documented list of all users and level of access to ePHI.


The organization has not developed a Contingency Plan.


The organization is not monitoring their audit logs.


Business Associate Agreements have not been implemented with ALL Business Associates.

A $100 fine can easily become a $525,000 penalty

CompliantHIPAA ViolationFine#DaysStatutory Max/YrTotal Amt of Fine Levied
Complaint filedPatient denied access
to Designated Record Set
Found by OCRNo right by patient
to Amend record
Found by OCREmployees not trained on
HIPAA for past 6 Years
$1006 Years$25,000$150,000
Found by OCRPractice did not have a Sanctions Policy
that was applied to employees that violated HIPAA
$1006 Years$25,000$150,000
Found by OCREmployee that violated Patient Rights
to Access was not sanctioned
Found by OCRHIPAA Required Documentation
was not kept on Training
$1006 Years$25,000$150,000
Total Penalty$525,000

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