HIPAA Frequently Asked Questions
Training and Education is the key to HIPAA Compliance and avoiding a data breach. When an organization understands what is required and expected of them, they have the knowledge on how to protect their data. Our service helps you create and assemble your required documentation and download it in a single ZIP file for your records.
What is HIPAA Compliance?
HIPAA Compliance is a combination of Rules enforced by the Office of Civil Rights, (OCR) specifically the Privacy Rule, Security Rule, the HITECH Act, and the Omnibus Rule. These rules apply to all “covered entities”. With our automated platform, we make it easy to keep track of every aspect of your HIPAA compliance documentation and make sure that you have a yearly record of your HIPAA Compliance records.
What is the HIPAA Security Rule?
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) wrote the Security Rule. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) created the HIPAA Security Standards Matrix to assist providers in an easy format to follow. Our service platform helps makes sure that format is followed.
What is a Security Risk Analysis?
Whether you applied for Meaningful Use incentive fund or not, all medical practices and business associates must conduct a HIPAA Security Risk Analysis. Having the required documented will protect your practice from annual gaps in required information and documents.
What is a Data Breach?
A breach is defined as an impermissible use or disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). Our platform doesn’t protect you from data breach’s, but it will help you to respond appropriately if an unfortunate data breach even occurs. Regular network security scans and associated result reports will help you with data breaches and should be included with your document package.
What are the risks due to Non-Compliance?
Fines and penalties are part of the risk. Keep in mind your reputation and practice will also be affected. For one low monthly fee, you can easily keep up with all your documentation in a cloud based platform. It is up to you to implement your policies and procedures with your staff to back up your documentation.
Common HIPAA Violations
A simple violation can add up quickly even though the fines start at only $100.00 but can reach into hundreds of thousands of dollar for more serious violations. Gaps in yearly documentation such as policies and procedures as well as employee training can result in stiff fines.
What are the 7-Steps?
Aris Medical Solutions has developed an easy way to generate and keep all of your HIPAA Documentation in one place! Our platform provides you with a ZIP file with all your documents in one downloadable file should you ever need them. Our monthly or annual payment options help insure you have all your documentation in order year after year.
How Long Does Your HIPAA Compliance Program Take to Complete?
It depends solely on you and your own pace. It normally takes 2 weeks of dedicated time, or up to 3 months if you work on the program part-time. So typically it takes anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months to create your full HIPAA Compliance file package. After your initial effort going through the program for the first year, updates are much less time consuming. Regular updates include: Adding new employees and Business Associates with respective agreements, reviewing policies and procedures, and your yearly document package will be updated accordingly. You can update your employee, business associate, or inventory list anytime and as often as you want.
Does your HIPAA Compliance service insure my practice is in full compliance?
No. We provide organized annual documentation based on your input into our automated platform as well as any addition files you wish to upload. Your complete document package is available to download as a ZIP file after completion of the program for easy filing should it ever be needed for all years you have been onboard our service. It is up to all our clients to actually implement the policies and procedures that are created by our online platform.
What does your HIPAA Compliance service cost?
For a small practice with 1 to 10 employees, it’s only $99 dollars a month with a $595 one-time setup fee. You can cancel our service at any time. Do you want to pay annually rather than monthly? No problem. You can enroll for monthly or annual service. Request a quote for larger practices.
Click here to learn more how we can work together and get HIPAA compliant